Branded Podcasts

I talked about connecting with your ideal audience a little bit in my last post about social media marketing; determining the most efficient and effective strategy to spread awareness of your brand is, like most things marketing, one-part art and one-part science. And it requires constant innovation if you don’t want to get left behind.

Social media is a prime example of how new mediums can revolutionize the way that brands reach their ideal audience. It effectively started with Facebook and has continued with newer platforms like TikTok, but as social media evolves, companies have access to new tools to target specific groups of people with specific forms of content. In this day and age, the vast majority of brands have a robust social media presence. But there is a marketing tool that may be underutilized by your brand, and it’s probably not what you’re expecting: podcasting.

I had the opportunity to sponsor a podcast episode recently, and it sent me down a rabbithole about the marketing ramifications of branded podcasts, including how they can support the other marketing tools brands are already carefully curating.

It might go without saying, but podcasts are ubiquitous. There are over 2 million podcasts worldwide, and as podcasting deals are being brokered for millions, it’s safe to say that they aren’t going anywhere. Insider Intelligence projects that by the end of 2022, 20.3% of internet users will also be podcast listeners, which means that there will be roughly 424.2 million listeners across the world. That’s a lot of untapped potential engagement.

Offer Additional Value

One unique benefit inherent to podcasts is that they create value beyond the product that you’re selling your audience. All advertisements provide information about your product, but a podcast can inform your audience about your brand while simultaneously entertaining them, educating them about a related topic, or both.

Trader Joe’s has a hit podcast called “Inside Trader Joe’s,” where listeners can learn more about what happens behind-the-scenes of their favorite grocery store. You can hear from their suppliers, get seasonal shopping lists, or listen to stories about the day-to-day at TJ’s from some of their crew members. The content is infused with the same cheeky, humorous tone you’ll find in their branding material, and while the listener is learning a lot about the products the store has to offer, they’re also getting a lot out of each episode unrelated to the brand’s advertising. This means that podcasts won’t become stale, pandering, or repetitive — and your audience might actually want to engage with your advertising. That’s a marketing dream come true, right? 

Create Community Based on Shared Values

Your brand should represent a set of values or beliefs, and your customers will reflect the community that shares those values. A podcast allows you to create additive content, educating this community on topics they truly care about which may be indirectly related to your brand. This gives you a chance to make a more profound impression than other marketing channels allow, and your brand can connect with your audience beyond the sales transaction

Podcasting as a medium is uniquely engaging because it mimics an intimate conversation. Because your host is speaking directly to your audience member as an individual, your brand is already able to connect with your audience on a level that’s deeper than the buyer-seller dynamic.

Beyond the capabilities of the format, this quality connection is often accomplished by using the podcast to demonstrate passion and leadership in a way that relates to your brand’s values. For example, Ben & Jerry’s recently introduced their new podcast called “Into the Mix” where they discuss “art, activism, and social change.” You might be wondering what all that has to do with ice cream, but if you familiarize yourself with Ben & Jerry’s brand, you’ll see that their mission and overall branding aligns quite clearly with these values.

Utilizing a podcast also encourages brands to take a clear, thoughtful stance on complex issues that matter to their consumers, and quite literally “keeps the conversation going” even after a topic is no longer trending. This communicates a high level of commitment to your values, which is becoming increasingly important to consumers who expect social responsibility from the brands they support.

Create a Space For Sustained Conversation 

Podcasts present a unique opportunity to engage in a sustained conversation with your listeners, whereas many other marketing tools offer a quick impression. This is refreshing for your consumers, but it also gives you access to the ultimate prize in marketing: your audience’s attention for a longer time.

This increased attention means that you can have high-quality engagement in a medium where your brand’s message and values can be communicated explicitly. This allows for longer conversations about your brand and complements marketing tools like Instagram posts that are more brief or cursory. And the relationship is reciprocal — you can direct people to social media to discuss a podcast episode, and encourage your audience on social media to check out your podcast if they like what they see.

Aurora Marketing Group is passionate about helping you find your target audience and connect with them in a meaningful and effective way. Email to learn how we can support your brand. 


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